Carla de Cisternes

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Carla de Cisternes

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3 easy steps to book an appointment with GOrendezvous ⭐

Posted by Carla de Cisternes on Apr 5, 2024 4:04:15 PM

Finding and booking an appointment with your professional has never been easier than with GOrendezvous!

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Tags: Well-being

The importance of sleep for your physical and mental well-being

Posted by Carla de Cisternes on Apr 5, 2024 4:04:01 PM

Sleep is vital for the proper functioning of our organism and our bodies. Despite this, 1 in 2 adults has difficulty falling or staying asleep, due to various factors. (source: Public Health Agency of Canada)1


Why is sleep so important?


  • It improves attention and memory: a well-rested brain enables better concentration at work and in our daily lives. Fatigue increases forgetfulness.

  • It encourages healthier eating and helps avoid weight gain: disturbed sleep can lead to an overproduction of ghrelin, which makes people eat more when they do not need to.

  • It reduces the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular problems: sleep disorders such as insomnia can be associated with high blood pressure.

  • It reduces the risk of diabetes and cholesterol: A lack of sleep can lead to insulin resistance, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Studies have also shown that insufficient sleep can increase LDL cholesterol levels.

  • It helps emotional regulation: disturbed sleep can increase irritability and emotional sensitivity in our private and professional lives.

  • It helps physical recovery: When our brain rests, so does our body. Muscle tissue regenerates, cells repair, and the immune system improves its ability to fight infection.




7 tips to improve your sleep


  • Stop using your cell phone in bed - Using your phone increases your brain's concentration. It's best to put it on airplane mode about 1 meter away, as our subconscious may want to check incoming notifications.

Among people aged 18 to 64, 68% said they used an electronic device  30 minutes before bedtime. - Source: Statistics Canada2

  • Don't eat in bed - Make your brain think that this is a space used only for resting. 

  • Establishing routine sleep times - Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule strengthens your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall asleep at night.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Stimulating drinks can increase your heart rate, making it harder to fall asleep.. According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine3, one cup of coffee is not enough to throw off our sleep cycle. However, if you exceed two cups, you may start to feel its effects on your sleep.

  • Create a sleep sanctuary - Aim for a cool room (around 20 degrees Celsius), a comfortable bed, and complete darkness to drift off to sleep with ease.

  • Avoid eating heavy meals before bed - Eating large meals before bed can make it difficult to digest and disrupt sleep. It's best to eat a light meal in the evening.

  • Manage stress - Before bed, try meditating or some breathing exercises to calm your body and mind. Discover some relaxation exercises here or meditation apps like Calm.



Helping your child fall asleep

Sleep is crucial to your child's mental and physical development. Here are other recommendations for quality, restorative sleep for your child.

  • Establish a regular sleep routine: Try to create a relaxing routine before putting your child to bed (e.g., reading stories, taking a bath, listening to soothing music, etc.).

  • Afternoon naps: Avoid naps that are too long, late in the day, or irregular, which could disrupt your child's sleep in the evening.

  • Playing sports: Sport and engaging in physical activities keep children active and can help them sleep soundly at night.

  • Reassure your child: If your child has trouble sleeping and is apprehensive, don't hesitate to leave them a little light (door ajar, small night light), give them a cuddly toy as reassurance, talk calmly, or cuddle them.


Whether you're a child or an adult, sleep is essential. These tips will help you fall asleep naturally. However, if sleep problems persist, don't hesitate to see an osteopath,naturopath, orhypnotherapist for sleep therapy.


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Tags: Health advice, Well-being


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