The GOrendezvous Blog

2019: Top 3 Resolutions to Succeed

Written by GOrendezvous | Jan 9, 2019 4:08:25 PM

Had a not-so-great year and want to start over? Had a great one but want to make it even better? Either way, the upcoming New Year is the perfect time to start fresh and set your resolutions straight. Eating healthier, working out and focusing on self-care often come up as people’s most common new year’s resolutions. But did you know that 53 percent of Americans stated that their top resolution for 2018 is to save money? Succeeding in your professional life usually means higher earnings, and thus, can make your new year’s resolution of saving money ten times easier. Not sure where to start or which business resolutions you should prioritize over others? Fortunately for you, we’re here to give you the top 3 resolutions to boost your business and succeed in 2019.

Start Scribbling 📝 

To properly start the year, take out a notepad (or tablet) and start writing out the different aspects in which you think your business could improve. Scribbling these down will help organize your thoughts and make it easier for you to create a concrete and realistic business plan to follow in the upcoming year. Whether you want to create a detailed plan to organize your business affairs internally with your employees and fellow colleagues, or create a promotions calendar for your clients, careful planning is a must. If you work in a business that offers recurring classes, fix the dates of your different classes beforehand and create a tentative calendar to help you sort out all the different tasks at hand. If you use an online booking platform, you can add it to your schedule and make your schedule only available to your clients once you are ready. That way, you can test it out and change it up to ensure the best results. The New Year is an exciting time for everyone, and that includes your clients. They are impatiently waiting to see what you have in store for 2019, and they are hoping it’s something new and exciting. Staying innovative and relevant in the midst of all your direct and indirect competitors is key. Make sure to come up with new ideas and interesting promotions that will pique your clients’ interest and place your business on the forefront.


Get Smarter 

Saving time is as valuable as saving money, and also goes hand in hand with it. With all the technology available in our modern world, it is crucial to start taking advantage of it. Reassessing and fortifying your online brand is necessary. If you’re a professional that offers services and appointments, a good first solution is to adopt an online booking platform to allow your clients to start booking online instead of the old-fashioned phone call. Enhancing an user-friendly online brand will not only allow for easier access to your services, but can also facilitate the way you market them. If you have established a promotions calendar, offering and promoting them online is the way to go! You can create token cards, add them to your homepage and allow your clients to purchase them on your online scheduling platform. Moreover, if you offer classes, you can add them to your schedule and allow your clients to register in just a few seconds. In both cases, making your services more accessible on the web will drive your business and help you reach a wider range of customers. Finally, if you are active on social media pages, make sure to wish your clients a happy New Year and show them what you have in store to start 2019 on a strong note.  


Client Knows Best 👂

At the end of the day, happy clients mean good business. The ultimate resolution for your business to succeed is to satisfy your clients to the fullest. By doing so, you will not only generate a positive word of mouth (and therefore acquire new clients), but also ensure the return of your current and most loyal customers. Getting constant feedback from those customers should be one of your top priorities for 2019. Succeeding also means constantly researching and adapting to the different trends that emerge every day in your market. Indeed, there is always room for improvement and innovation. You want to make sure that you are continuously refining your business and services, and that starts with your clients’ feedback! With the holiday season coming to an end, and many reflecting on their past year, it seems like the perfect opportunity to check on your clients and see how satisfied they were with your services in 2018. With the use of an all-in-one online booking and scheduling platform, you could generate surveys or thank-you emails and send them to your clients right after their appointments, allowing them to give their feedback and suggestions in regards to your services. That way, you can ensure that your current clients are satisfied, and also get their opinion on how you can answer their needs in the upcoming year!



Make 2019 your best year yet by setting different goals and aspirations, and how you plan on reaching them. Map out everything you wish to accomplish professionally in the new year, including things you wish to uphold and things you want to do differently. If you haven’t done so already, consider enhancing your online brand so you can better promote your services through social media and widen the accessibility of your services by offering online booking. All in all, the most important resolution to succeed is to listen to your clients. Take the time to check up on your current and most loyal customers, to ensure that they are still satisfied and ask them how they think you could improve. Happy New Year! 🎉🎊