
Espace Hypoténuse gives us their testimonial

Introduction to Espace Hypoténuse

Co-owners Gaëlle and Audrey of Espace Hypoténuse, situated in the Hochelaga district of Montreal, collaborate with other therapists to provide a range of services, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, osteopathy, sexology, and hypnosis. 


Gaëlle et Audrey

The clinic’s professionals aim to create a welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable to consult and benefit from the services offered.

The therapists work in an interdisciplinary environment, which enables them, with their clients’ consent, to exchange information on their objectives and progress to provide better support.

Despite facing financial and structural difficulties following its post-pandemic launch, L’espace Hypoténuse has continued to grow and thrive.  

It was essential for Gaëlle and Audrey to find a solution to help them manage their clinic and acquire new clients.

 The GOrendezvous difference

Gaëlle was already using GOrendezvous at her previous business, so it was a no-brainer for her to use the platform again to assist them in managing their clinic, whether from an administrative point of view, for collaboration with other professionals, or to increase their visibility online.

Audrey, not being comfortable with technology, was afraid to use the platform, but she was surprised at how easy it was to use. She loves that she can post her availability and services online, as well as the billing system, which saves her a considerable amount of time.

Gaëlle, on the other hand, finds the charting very helpful as it facilitates client service during the appointment and the follow-ups. According to her, GOrendezvous also stands out for its ability to incorporate client feedback to improve the platform. Hypoténuse was among those who suggested adding inclusive pronouns to client files.

My favourite features of GOrendezvous? I would say the ease of use and the management I don’t have to do because people can book appointments online easily.” - Gaëlle

Results of GOrendezvous’ implementation for Espace Hypoténuse’s professionals 

Using GOrendezvous has facilitated the management of Espace Hypoténuse’s inclusive health clinic in several ways:

  1. Ease of use to display appointments and services online and gain visibility with a new clientele.
  2. Simplified charting to share notes between professionals and better support clients.
  3. Save time by automating appointment booking, client reminders, and invoicing.
  4. Clients can fill out their intake forms before the appointments. 
  5. Reduced mental workload, allowing them to concentrate on what’s important: client therapy. 
  6. The GOrendezvous team’s openness to improve the platform and meet the needs of professionals.
  7. Improved collaboration between therapists, avoiding double booking of rooms and equipment, and better centralization of client information.

What we can wish for the Hypoténuse space in the future ✨

We hope that Espace Hypoténuse will become the reference for inclusive health in the greater Montreal area, to maximize new appointments thanks to our search page, ensure the continuity of their inclusive services, and, above all, even more diversity!

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