The GOrendezvous Blog

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Join the Fight!

Written by Alyssa Therrien-Coulombe | Oct 10, 2019 7:02:13 PM

In October, our calendar is full of Halloween parties, Thanksgiving (Canadian), a few days off, shopping, and so much more. But one event we mustn’t forget is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Part of a national and even international movement, Breast Cancer Awareness Month highlights the fight of women (and men too) against breast cancer for a full month.

This is the perfect time to launch marketing campaigns and to support the fight against this disease. In the wellness and beauty industry, it is very easy to show your colours (pink!) and your involvement. Here are a few ideas if you want to join the movement, raise awareness, and offer awesome promotions.

1. GO Pink

Your shopping window (physical and virtual) is the first thing your current and potential customers will see. So, if you have a message you want to share, this is the best place to do it! Even though Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a pretty tough topic to tackle, most people are aware of the fight. So show your commitment with the colour pink. You can be subtle or not; it’s really up to you!

Also, don’t forget to put pink-coloured products in the spotlight, it's the right time to do it!


2. Fundraising for the Cause

To support the fight against breast cancer, a good way is to organize a fundraiser. We have all seen or participated in one at the supermarket, at the hairdresser's, or even in your car while waiting at a stop light. Well, the same concept applies here in your practice and/or business. You can easily make and customize your piggy bank (thank you, mason jars), or if you want to take it to the next level, you can collect funds virtually through different platforms. We recommend the website of the Canadian Cancer Society.

  1. It’s a great showcase to promote the fight against the disease while educating your entourage, your staff, and your customers/patients.
  2. It shows your commitment. And by posting it on your website and social media, you will generate awareness and raise more money.
  3. It's a good communication opportunity for your company!

3. The Power of a Gift

A little show of affection is always touching, especially when it comes to supporting a good cause. In addition, a small gift can prompt a purchase (and that’s nice too). Candy, pink chocolate, skin products—no matter what you choose to offer, if it’s in support of the cause and if it comes from the heart, people will love it!


4. A Special Offer

A simple and effective way to attract more customers and please your clients is to offer a special promotion. The only thing you need to do is create a new and special service for the occasion with just a few clicks on your online scheduling platform, and you're done! Then, simply share this offer on your different pages and digital platforms to advertise. It's certain to be a success!


5. Send a Powerful Message

If you are organizing a fundraiser or something else to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s important to notify your customers. Again, posting on your social networks and on all platforms you usually use is a great idea. In addition, we advise you to share this news through your booking platform. For example, with GOrendezvous, you can customize the text of your email communications and edit the content of your reminder and appointment confirmation emails. You can edit your email to promote your special offers, or you can add a note that tells your clients to take care of themselves and to schedule an appointment to get checked out. This is not only a good communication plan, but it also shows that you care about your clients.


Now you probably have a lot of ideas for joining the fight. From all of us at GOrendezvous, thank you all for your participation, and if you want to donate, click here!