Posted by Rose-Marie Shadeed on Apr 13, 2020 1:09:30 PM
Rose-Marie Shadeed


As always, security is a priority for GOrendezvous.

Our technical team has been following very closely the Zoom security issues recently raised.

However, since early April, Zoom has announced several very reassuring improvements in terms of its security. Following our analysis, our team of developers felt comfortable deploying this new feature.

  • With the GOrendezvous - Zoom integration, a password is automatically generated for each virtual meeting. The password is unique for each meeting and is encrypted in the link sent to your customers.

  • A new virtual waiting room allows you to open the front door of your virtual meeting to each of your guests. Learn more on the new toolbar. 

  • Once the guests have joined the meeting, Zoom recommends locking the meeting. Watch the video.

  • On the matter of the information shared with Facebook or LinkedIn, when the Zoom account was connected with Facebook or LinkedIn:
    • Indeed, some behavioural information was shared with social platforms, such as the type of device used (Computer, Tablet, Mobile), or the Internet browser used (Safari, Chrome, etc.).

    • Zoom has since corrected this and has repeatedly reiterated that no personal data has been shared.

    • However, to follow the best online security practices, GOrendezvous recommends that you always avoid using your Facebook or LinkedIn ID when creating your account on Zoom or any other online platform. Besides, the ideal would be to always use a password manager, like LastPass, for the creation of your usernames / passwords.


It is very important to update your Zoom application to take advantage of the most recent improvements.

Considering the past and continuous security improvements of Zoom, its accessibility, its ease of use, and other technical factors, our team concluded that it was the best solution to support you as quickly as possible. Like all GOrendezvous features, you are free to choose whether to activate it or not.

I hope this provides you with more information.

If you want to know the details of the latest Zoom updates, here is the reference.


Do not hesitate if you have further questions.


Tags: New Features, Cybersecurity, Conseils entreprise, Business advice


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